Thursday, August 27, 2015

Video File - Homework 1


Palmeiras is my favorite soccer team in Brazil. Since I was a child I cheer to Palmeiras and yesterday, the Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras completed 101 years. That is the reason that I choose to talk about this topic. In the video I explain when Palmeiras was founded and I also talked about some history facts about this amazing team. I recorded the video yesterday 08/26.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My first photoshop creation - Homework 1

This image was my first photoshop creation. It is a heart formed by two overlapping waves. I was 12 or 13 at that time and I created this effect to sent it to a girl that I liked in that time and I tried to impress her. I wrote our names in the middle of the heart and I usually used this picture as my profile image at MSN. Good times ;)

Here is the original picture that I used to create the effect above.


1. Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology is a strategy game and what I most like in this game is the possibility to play against your friends online. I love to play with my friends and compete with them. It is very funny, because we can joke with each other when one or the other win. Also, I think that this game is good for the mind due to the fact that you always have to make a different strategy to win and you have a lot of variables to consider. It makes the game more fun and not boring, because you never know what will happen.

Here is a link where you can buy and download the game:

Here is another link where you can find more information about this game:

Here is a link to a recorded gameplay match to illustrate how the game works:

2. Assassin's Creed - Brotherhood

Assassin’s creed – Brotherhood is the third game of the series Assassin's Creed and it was the first game of this series that I played and I loved it. I remember that I was fascinated with the story of the game and how UbiSoft mixed fantasy with real history. After I played this game, I became a fan of this series and I strongly recommend it to my friends. It is also another kind of game that I like: Open world mixed with adventure.

Here is the link for the official web page where you can buy the game and find more information about it:

Here is the link where you can find information about the whole series:

Here is a gameplay of this game to illustrate how it is: